

Starbread is a great place for families and friends to visit in the {City) area! We are an incredibly fun bakery to explore because of our wide selection of doughnuts. Everyone who visits will find something that they love, including our assortment of malasada, pan de coco and pan de ube.


Starbread is arguably the best Filipino bakery in Sacramento because we take a lot of pride in the satisfaction of our customers. When you come to our bakery for one doughnut or maybe even a dozen, you will notice right away how fresh our breads are, how good they smell and how the atmosphere is warm and inviting to everyone!

Starbread bakery is excited to have you come visit us at our Sacramento location to experience, first-hand, one of our amazing doughnuts. We also look forward to delighting your taste buds with our famous stuffed bread and dinner rolls. Come visit us today for a one-of-a-kind experience! Call today!

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